• Eventual height: 0.55m
  • Eventual spread: 0.4m

Euphorbia oblongata

Balkan spurge

approx 45 seeds £4.29
Delivery options
  • Seed Packets (only) £2.95

This perennial dies back to below ground level each year in autumn, then fresh new growth appears again in spring.

  • Position: Full sun or partial shade
  • Soil: Moderately fertile, moist, well-drained soil
  • Rate of growth: Average to fast
  • Flowering period: May to November
  • Hardiness: Fully hardy (but often short-lived)

The sulphur yellow flowers appear over an incredibly long period, offering a fresh blast of colour to the palette. The flowers are also excellent for cutting, and look wonderful when teamed with rich purples, plum and orange. Fully hardy but often short-lived, Euphorbia oblongata is an easy, undemanding and very rewarding little gem, which makes it one of the best gap-fillers for borders or pots.

  • Garden care:
    Cut back the faded flower stems in autumn. When working with spurges, always wear rubber gloves as the milky sap is poisonous and a potential skin irritant.

  • Sowing instructions:
    Can be sown in situ into a well-prepared bed and thinned out - or better still, onto a good quality peat-free compost. Cover the seeds with a fine layer of compost in an unheated greenhouse and wait for natural germination before pricking out, potting on and planting into position.

  • Sow: February to March (under glass) or April to May (direct)
    • CAUTION toxic if eaten
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