RHS Collections

Hippeastrum 'Royal Red' - red amaryllis & pot cover combination

  • Position: bright but not in full sun
  • Soil: moderately fertile, well-drained soil or loam-based compost, such as John Innes No.2, with additional leaf mould and sharp sand
  • Rate of growth: average
  • Flowering period: December to February
  • Hardiness: frost tender (will need winter protection)
  • Pot cover: includes a 14cm pot cover

    If you want immediate impact this is the plant for you. Delivered already potted and growing, it will have developed buds that could just be beginning to show colour, and will be in flower within a few weeks. Then you can enjoy the gorgeous sumptous scarlet red blooms held aloft on strong stems. A wonderful instant gift for friends and family, or for you!

    This plant is supplied with a round white pot cover, so it's ready to be tucked straight into that and then placed on a table or shelf.

  • Home care: Once flowering has finished cut off the flower stalk 5-10cm above the bulb - don't cut off the foliage. Water when the surface of the compost is dry and feed fortnightly with a balanced liquid fertiliser. Reduce and cease watering from early autumn and move to a dry, dark spot for a few months allowing the foliage to die back, simulating the dormant, dry season of the plant’s native South America. In November bring it back in to the light and start watering again. Old foliage should be removed though take care not to remove any new shoots. Expect flowers in six to eight weeks. Keep the plant in a bright spot avoiding direct sun, and rotate the plant periodically to avoid the emerging flower stalk leaning towards the light. Leaves will appear shortly after flowering.
Hippeastrum 'Royal Red' - red amaryllis & pot cover combination
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